Throw Back Thursday: Twitches of Fate

Yes, I am still trying to find the time to go back through old posts.  This will be post 426-I believe-and some of those I posted over a year and a half ago.  I took some time to read this post as I was intrigued by the title I chose: Twitches of Fate That Bring…

December 1935

This month seems mixed with deep peace and a little bit of torment.  She writes lovely passages like this: Saturday, December 6th, 1935 Went to confession this evening.  First time I felt so swell after going.  So peaceful.  I could have stayed in church all evening. Plus there is the excitement of the holidays is…

November, 1935

There is a small earthquake on the first of the month and Babu continues to be successful in her college courses.  These two facts were placed in the same sentence for their juxtaposition, not their similarity.  Perhaps a story that better belongs with a tale of a small earthquake is what is still going on,…

October, 1935

She attends Casmire’s wake and is frightened by the body.  She and Jeanette are still not friends.  She tried out for the orchestra and dramatics.  She gets good grades in everything except for penmanship.  (Really?)  Drobey is hanging out with Jeanette and Teddy, instead of her.  Babu’s reaction? Oh, I’ll be darned! She is becoming…

September, 1935

Right after we got back from our vacation, I caught Adam and Babu having a conversation that involved me.  Babu had just sat up from her nap on the couch and Adam was talking with her until she gained her bearings.  She was talking about Ernestine Jones. “You’ll read about her soon, you know?  Angie…

August, 1935

I almost forgot about August and it was quite an exciting month!  I went back to 1935 to continue where I left off and I found I halted midway through August.  (I was so excited to find another journal that was a year before!)  I had stopped transcribing on August 13th, and was reminded, looking…

Autumn 1934

There’s condensation on the cars and a chill in the morning air today.  And I think I may have seen some autumn colors at the side of the highway.  The last of the blueberries are off of the bush but the tomatoes are going wild and the pumpkin vines are running away with themselves. The…

End of July, 1934

The end of July had Babu feeling secluded and trapped, and slowly, she began to feel less that way.  She decided to go to camp, and left with out saying goodbye to Caveman.  It seems purposeful as she is angry at him for a slight and the next day is near him and doesn’t say…

First Half of July, 1934

I am thrilled to be transcribing summer again.  When I found the 1934 journal, I left a year older Babu off in 1935 in the height of summer.  I don’t know if it’s because I have always been in school, college for four years and then teaching for ten, but summer is unadulterated freedom.  It’s…

June, 1934

My job just got a lot harder!  She has been writing in a five year diary and half way through this month she must have realized that she wont keep this journal for five years or she received a new one for the next year, possible on her birthday.  So, she begins to fill the…

April, 1934

While transcribing Babu’s journals, I find some months are full of excitement and some months, well, aren’t.  Passages in April 1934 were either just boring days or they were written in her secret shorthand that I’m not sure I want to decode, even if I could.  (If she wanted something to be secret from the…

The End of July, 1935

Summer.  Still summer.  She goes to Hampden Ponds, she goes swimming, she goes to the library, and helps around the house with chores like ironing.  Her cousin Edna is staying with them while she begins a new job locally and settles in.  She is wearing out her welcome and part of what’s causing a new…