How Am I Doing?

Well!  It’s the end of January and I have been posting every day!  (I’ve also been doing about 25 hours a week at Whole Foods, my day job, taking care of my gram, working on other writing projects, barely…)  I haven’t been getting much exercise, eating much healthy food, or doing much relaxing.  I’m a…

March 1937, An Excerpt Deserving of a Post All its Own.

In 1937, Easter was celebrated in March.  Did you know that Easter is a “moveable holiday?”  It is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first Spring full moon?  I’m not sure of the truth of this, but I was surprised that Babu writes about celebrating Easter so early in the year, so maybe it’s…

Sunday Share: America is Great.

This Sunday Share comes from a blog I am new and unfamiliar with called An American Song but I liked what I read.  This author has written a book where he (she?) interviewed people all across America, average people, and wrote down their stories.  It sounds a lot like what I do here with Babu…

March, 1937 Excerpts: Dual Theatre and the WPA

As I said yesterday, the dramatic tension of March was how Babu was going to manage being cast in two plays at once.  The first was the WPA play: Monday, March 1st, 1937 Surprise?  I’ve got a part in the WPA play “Correspondence Courtship.”  That of Bessie the dumb shop girl.  Oh!  If only I…

March, 1937

Babu turns 19!! Mother and Dad gave me a dainty pair of white kid gloves, some material for a dress, and a dozen narcissus for my birthday tomorrow. But before her birthday, she gets pretty ill.  From the description I wonder if it were worse then she even knew.  It then passes around her house…

Constantly Evolving,or Just Evolving All At Once?

As you know, last month I got Freshly Pressed and got a flood of new people checking out the blog, following me and commenting.  At first, I got a little confused because people were sending me lovely messages like: And how did you get that rough draft? You wrote it. That still counts.   A…

February, 1937 Excerpts

More evidence that Babu only looks far away and not right under her nose: Tuesday, February 9th, 1937 Last dance tonight.  Francis Cebula and I went together.  Jaime gave me the ticket, bought me a sundae, took me home, but that doesn’t change my attitude toward him.  I can’t help it.  I just can’t go…

February, 1937

No airships, no natural disasters, no new presidents elected.  Just February, 1937. The month begins with Babu’s date with Richard R.  I still do not know where this boy came from, but her date seemed nice.  Ice skating – which was kind of a fail.  And they got to the movies, late, but saw a…

The OA

Does Babu have an OA?  Let me explain: THERE WILL BE SPOILERS. There is an amazing show on Netflix called the OA.  People who have “Near Death Experiences” come back but with the power of angels.  (It is really an amazing show!) This makes me think of Veronica Syper.  If you remember, in the post…

Hindenburg on My Mind

I don’t remember if I told you, but Babu saw the Hindenburg.  Not the explosion, but it during flight.  Here is the passage: Friday, October 9th, 1936 Saw “big Broadcast of 1937” and “Desert Gold.”  Woke up this morning to the siren of fire trucks.  Next door at the Partyka’s their oil got on fire. …

The Theatricality of it All

In past conversations with Babu about my former job of being a Theatre teacher, she would often either say: I don’t think we ever had those kind of classes in school. or: I think I did some plays at Bay Path… Well, wasn’t I surprised to read about Babu doing so much theatre.  She had…