The End of February, 1941

Sunday, February 16th, 1941 Right about noontime Jake came up and we were going to read the paper but Chester popped in and asked us to go skating at Hampton Ponds.  His brother Fritz and Helen Boron and some other girls came, too. The wind was terrific so we didn’t stay too long. We spent…

Valentine’s Day, 1941

Friday, February 14th, 1941 Right after work we decorated the ballroom and it looked beautiful.  Jakey came for me and gave me a corsage when we got home. He also sent me a lovely valentine.  We got to the Sheraton a little after nine. We had such a crowd and a grand one. My gown…

The Beginning of February, 1941

When I was working on the April A-Z challenge things got a bit out of order so I began a bit of this month already.  Check it out here: April A-Z: A Month of Many Tears During this month things heated up quite a bit between our two lovers and mixed feelings about it ensued. …

The End of January, 1941

Sunday, January 19th, 1941 We spent a lazy day.  Then Jake came about 2:30.  We did crossword puzzles and then fell asleep.  Went to his house about six and were given supper.  Nellie and Caz and Jake and I walked down street and Jake and I went to see “Little Nellie Kelly” and “A Fugitive…

Mid January, 1941

Saturday, January 11th, 1941 We worked all day today.  The bosses were out so Ruth, Emmy, and I ate lunch together.  Even had wine with our dinner. We were silly and had fun all afternoon (we worked too).  Jakey came up to the office about 4:45 and we had supper together and went to see…