April, 1937

In April, 1937, she has just turned 19, is in college to be a secretary, has best friends Ernie and Zosh. Sometimes I do that to center myself because as we speak I am down stairs with her “doing breakfast” and she is 98, has had four kids, needs help with making food, unlacing her…

Hindenburg on My Mind

I don’t remember if I told you, but Babu saw the Hindenburg.  Not the explosion, but it during flight.  Here is the passage: Friday, October 9th, 1936 Saw “big Broadcast of 1937” and “Desert Gold.”  Woke up this morning to the siren of fire trucks.  Next door at the Partyka’s their oil got on fire. …

December, 1936

It was my wish to complete transcribing December last month so while the holidays were happening in real life they were also happening in the past, but in the past and present for me.  Does that make sense?  It’s how I feel when I’m transcribing.  It’s the magic of this all being very real and…

Fall, 1936

Time passes before my eyes.  Summer turns to fall and bathing suits are put away and replaced with a catalogue of school supplies.  She writes what she had to buy and what it cost.  She writes that she must go to school full time since her father pays the entire tuition.  Her parents must have…

TM Anniversary!

This month I received a notification from WordPress that it is my one year Anniversary with Transcribing Memory.  In that time I have transcribed almost three years of Babu’s young life.  She has graduated from high school and has begun her second year in college.  She has had ups and downs with her parents but…

Babu’s Journal: June 1936

Summer is coming.  In these pages, anyway.  Extended school year due to the March floods but, Summer is coming.  Scorching hot days, swimming, tennis, lazy days once school finally dismisses.  It’s strange to be at this point in 1936 as magical fluffy white flakes are pouring down outside my window and Christmas Carols are piped…

May 1936

The excitement in March as run out and has left May full of just the usual.  Who will dance with Babu at the innumerable dances and socials that she goes to this month?  What demeanor will Drobey be in when she sees him and will walking right by upset him?  Will or won’t Jaime continue…

March+April 1936 She’s Still Talking to Angels

Victoria is still at it.  I rushed to transcribe April to see if I could get some resolution to what this Angel Speaker is up to.  Not yet, but Babu is holding on to both her intrigue and belief, despite warnings. Tuesday, March 3rd, 1936 Got a letter from Veronica.  She told me of all…

February 1936 “She Talks to Angels”

This February is not a surprising month for this to happen but it brings with it a new crush, Maurice, the boy she went to the dance with.  AND he is in her English class. There is a scandal with another girl in their class, one whom Babu refers to as the “class freak.”  This…