Writing Wednesday: Progress!…?

I have been slaving away on two pieces.  (Well, three if you count the blog.)  Piece one is the umpteenth revision of my first novel and reading, no joke, this book: and getting ready to write a query and look for an agent.  Woosh!  A lot to do, for sure. I’m also working on a…

Sharing with Babu: That’s the kind of friends we were.

Sharing passages again with Babu seemed to be the cure to what ailed me, and her.  We read some of August twice now and we haven’t yet got through.  She reads on the computer with really big font and I sit with her and scroll through. Reading with her today was like being on the…

Dog Day Monday: Part 1

Here is another weekly installment.  It is about, you may have guessed, my dog.  It is off the topic of the blog, I know, but things are not going as well as planned, and this is my only place to vent. Having this dog so far has not been easy.  No dog is easy.  They…

Sunday Share: Oddments

I have found yet another wonderful blog.  This blog called Oddments contains some amazing and deceptively simple writing. Here are two poems from this blog.  I love that they are called “connections.” Connections: May 24.17 When the echo is all and the used pages hang limp what of the note? Does it weep for its…

Two Wonderful Moments. Excerpts, September, 1938

What is so funny?  I have solved the mystery! Friday, September 16th, 1938 Emmy, Vi, and I laughed till we were silly this afternoon over sea vegetable pills Emmy brought to give her energy.  Friday night seems to be a steady going out one for Jakey.  Wish he would include me once in a while. …

Excerpts, September 1938. The Let Down(s)

Have you ever got something started, or something got started with out your say so, and it’s still young and tender and you know that if you leave it, it stands the danger of withering before it really got started?  I could be talking about my garden, about how hard it is to plant seeds…

Excerpts, September, 1938, Grafton Vermont

She has such a good time when she is in Vermont with Ernie.  This summer, Babu visits at the end of August through the beginning of September for almost two weeks.  She writes about her hesitation to leave and her relief to be home, but in the middle there certainly is a lot of fun. …

September, 1938

Well, September, 1938 is certainly full of excitement.  It also has at least one let down. The month begins with her still in Vermont on vacation.  She has “glorious days” riding horseback and tandem bicycles.  (Why don’t we see more of tandem bicycles?)  This is probably the only way she can ride a bike with…

The Curious Case of Plants in the Nighttime

Sometimes Babu says something that makes me angry.  It’s not anger at her, it’s anger with myself.  It’s anger when I should have been there to help her and I wasn’t. This morning Babu wakes up, goes to the bathroom, comes out with a cheerful “dzien dobry!” and I get breakfast started as usual.  Then…

Sunday Share: If I Were

I have been feeling close to poetry lately.  I thought this poem by Frank Solanki was delightfully playful and layered. If I Was A Chameleon May 19, 2017 ~ Frank Solanki If I was a chameleon It would be so much fun Into a hundred colours I’d turn If I was a chameleon I’d turn…

The Moon: Excerpts, August, 1938

Monday, August 1st, 1938 Alice and Jimmy took us mushroom picking up by Ashley Pond where we kids go to watch the moon over the mountain.  We got bit up and scratched up and I got a handful of berries and a couple of mushroom and a spray of flowers.  Wrote a letter to Benny…