
But not for us…Not yet. If you would indulge me, I found this post in my drafts bin. I started writing this post in 2018!!!! I’m not sure if I posted something like this already, thus where the indulgence is needed, but I felt it educational to see these passages grouped together on this theme….

Throw Back Thursday: Jakey

Since the start, I was looking for one name in all of these pages, and from the start, it would appear from time to time.  Like when the very story Babu would tell me about her first time meeting him appeared, exactly how she told it to me, in the pages of her diary: Some…

Throw Back Thursday: Advice

I am about to have a lot to say about the advice given with in the pages of Babu’s diary.  Next Wednesday’s “Retro Wednesday” post is going to be the second half of my study into they diaries themselves.  I was just reminded of an old passage and I will link it here: Cooperate with…

Throw Back Thursday: Milton Adams

Today’s Throw Back Thursday is honoring Milton Adams.  I have not forgotten about him as Babu’s encounter with him and mine in the pages of her diary was a jolting one.  Here is the original post I wrote about him: In Honor of Milton Adams Of course, again, The Rescued Photo comes through in an…

Throw Back Thursday: Cartography

I thought about the poem featured in this post the other day.  I thought about it the last time I shared passages with her.  I thought about how, even when she struggled to remember people she used to be very close with, all she could remember was where they lived.  That, and that they were…

Throw Back Thursday: Stanley Midura

I recently had a wonderful favor done for me.  It wasn’t something I asked for but it came out of the blue and was a lovely surprise.  The lovely blogger The Rescued Photo has been reading through the blog, from the beginning, which first of all warms my heart.  Let me be very clear: as a…

Throw Back Thursday

Since I am so obsessed these days with airplanes and flight, I thought I’d go back to a post that explains the image I used in yesterday’s post: Blessed Life! This is a post about passages from 1937.  I thought the picture from way back then would be a great one to put in my…

Throw Back Thursday: Twitches of Fate

Yes, I am still trying to find the time to go back through old posts.  This will be post 426-I believe-and some of those I posted over a year and a half ago.  I took some time to read this post as I was intrigued by the title I chose: Twitches of Fate That Bring…

Throw Back Thursday: How it Used to Be and The Stupid Things I Thought

I continue the process of going back through my old posts and I get no farther than the second post I ever released out to the blogosphere, before my mind over loaded with revelries and nostalgia.  I sometimes wish she were still in school, writing papers and sniping about her teachers in her diary.  It’s…

Throw Back Thursday: The First Post

I have started to comb through the blog, fine tooth style.  I plan to archive the archive.  I may tweak some things, delete some posts, fix some typos.  I’m going through it all, rehashing it, if you will.  I’m mining more sense out of this, finding more meaning, identifying more patterns.  Perhaps…finding a way to…