Reading entertainingly and with wonder

I remember back to that almost snow day on Jan 24th, 1935.  According to Babu, there were only about six students in each class and Ms. Short had them read from themes. Babu wrote: In Miss Short’s room we had to read from themes. I seem to have the habit of reading what I don’t see….

Excerpt #5

Jenete’s going to the prom.  Bobby Sullivan asked her.  She got a gown from Peggy Zimba just like mine.  Her aunt Jenny is letting her wear her coat and her aunt Lucy gave her a pair of shoes.  She is certainly one lucky girl.  I wish I could go.

The First Week of Feburary 1935

This is an exciting week! Jenete is going to prom and there is much talk about dresses – even something an acquaintance is wearing that Babu calls “transparent velvet.”  This isn’t the days of Miley Cyrus so I doubt she really meant transparent.  Babu helps her friend get her eye brows done and her nails,…

Excerpt #4

Wednesday, January 30, 1935 I thought this would turn into another wallflower dance. It was almost. I had two numbers with Pansy and me – – – with some unknown boy. Oh but I liked to dance with him. I hope from now on someone will ask us to dance. We had lovely corsages. A…

Reoccuring Threads

Every time I bring a parcel of pages down to Babu we end up on the same trails.  We start in one place, the topic of whatever entries I bring down to her, then we move on and end up in the same place.  I’ve written before about how, with the smallest occurrence, her life…

The Fourth Week of 1935

Now that the holidays are over I am back to transcribing and reflecting week by week.  At the end of the month of January, 1935:   She saw “Great Expectations” and mentioned having read the Dickens novel in a magazine.  She really loved to read but I never she how she has the time in…

I showed Babu her entries from three years of New Year’s Eves and Days and there were no revelations, only sweetness.  She remembered Harlan’s name but not him, and had no big reaction to the kiss with him.  Ha!  However, when she remembers you, you’re one lucky duck.  She told me four times how beautiful…