Daily Writing Prompt: Purpose/change


Was:  Teenagers.


Going to work every day and diluting the negativity in the atmosphere.

Being the teacher my first grade teacher was NOT.

Creating a safe, welcoming environment where students can learn and grow.

Creating theatre and showing students brand new to the concept the magic it holds.




No, it’s not.

The lovely lady with white hair down stairs.


Shifting around the words I throw up on paper

Molding them into a purpose I decide.

How will I tell her that I left a career in part for her?

I’ll tell her how much the words on the page drive me forward and keep me up at night.

I won’t tell her this:  The space of time I’ll get to spend with her is a gap that’s closing and I‘ll be thankful to spend it at home with her.

I usually keep my posts on task, but today’s daily prompt eerily echoed exactly what is happening right now.  I had to write it out.

The Daily Post

3 Comments Add yours

  1. It’s hard to say where the twists and turns in our lives will lead us. I’ve never felt more like I was living a life of purpose than when I was care giving my mother. What you learn on this leg of your journey will likely be precious and permanent.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you. Some where far back in the dimness I know it.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It sounds like you are care taking your ill mother. Mine has Alzheimer’s and though I am her power of attorney and spend many hours advocating on her behalf, she does not live with me. Nonetheless, I understand the sacrifice and responsibility you bear. The certain end is not appealing and I try to make her as happy as I can. Seems you are doing the same for the person (mother?) you care for. Blessings on your head.


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