Your Xs Are Too Small

June 14, 1941, Last night I didn’t fall asleep until almost 3:00.  Guess my mind wandered about Alabama too much.  Ernie and I shopped in the afternoon, then she went home to VT.  I came home and was busy intending to stay home.  Edmund came up about 7:30 while I was washing dishes.  He took…

Rendezvous of Dreams

June 12, 1941, After work I had a bite to eat at The Moonlight and went to Henrettea’s for my permanent wave.  She talked a steady stream and told me about her wedding and a lot of things a single girl doesn’t know.  Marriage is certainly no hay ride but every girl thinks her’s will…

A few in between the letters

June 8, 1941, Saw Ernie off to Vt on the train and checked up on how much and long it would take to go to Alabama.  Spent all afternoon looking for a white dress and finally bought one.  Came home all tired out and got dressed for tennis.  Nat’s brother, John, came at 5:30 but…

Jake Gets the News

May 24, 1941, I had no plans for this evening.  Was taking a bath when Ed came up.  He asked me to go to a show.  We went to Hartford and saw Count Bernie Vici and his show and a picture “Redhead.”  We stopped for ice cream and Ed brought me out a box full…

Before the New Breaks Part II

On the day she recieved the following letters from Jakey, this is what she wrote: May 23, 1941, Soon after, and this morning we drove down to the funeral home.  Zosh and I said good-bye to Stretch.  I touched my cheek to his lips.  He had a beautiful military funeral and Nat didn’t say hardly…

Before the News Breaks: Part I

While Babu is in Chicopee wrestling with loss, Jake is in Alabama having no idea that he, too, has lost a friend. The letters Babu gets from him are a jarring juxtaposition to what she is facing at home. Was it a welcome distraction? May 21, 1941, Jakey wrote me another letter today and he…

In Honor and Memory of Stretch Part II

May 19, 1941, Even though I realized Stretch was dangerously ill, I didn’t think of him leaving us.  He died this afternoon.  Zosh and I stayed with Nat all evening trying to console her.  She is being brave.  I haven’t got much use for the army since this happened.  They can’t be getting the right…

In Honor and Memory of “Stretch” Part I

Unfortunately, this was the start of the end. I am simply to sad to create suspense or to worry about spoilers. May 11, 1941, Nat was angry because Stretch didn’t come home.  However, he’s sick in the hospital and can’t help that.  Ed K. came up and gave me a driving lesson and we picked…


But not for us…Not yet. If you would indulge me, I found this post in my drafts bin. I started writing this post in 2018!!!! I’m not sure if I posted something like this already, thus where the indulgence is needed, but I felt it educational to see these passages grouped together on this theme….

Those spins, though!

I couldn’t believe what I was writing two posts ago. Here I was, showing you this amazing letter where Jake describes how to do tricks in a airplane in minute detail and I’m talking about some lame, vague fortune telling. I’m just kidding, I am excited about it all and I feel no guilt! But…

Jake’s Base

This is one of a few research posts I’ve been working on. Everything I read about in Babu’s pages and Jake’s letters makes me want to know more. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to do more than a basic google search, but even that can drudge up some neat information. One of my rabbit…

Fortune Telling and Spinning Planes

May 15, 1941, Ruth, Emmy, and I made plans to go to a fortune teller tonight.  Emmy took me home to supper with her.  We skipped over to see Vi and then went to know our future.  She told me about mother’s throat.  It was alright for me to take a trip.  She could see…