
She let me, without hesitation

and now I am able to open each ancient book

and sneak a peak into a world gone by.

A day by day meticulously kept account

of a life

and other

lives that matter because every single one does.

It is at first a view into simpler times

high school and crushes,

homework and rumble seats

dances and dresses and arguments with friends patched over.

Remember when she lost her umbrella and the scandal it caused?

What will change over 80 years?

Will simpler times stick fast or crumble with age?


Image from:

I want this for myself eighty years from now

not my journals, no.  I am not that open.

But for a person to lift the cover of my words

my story and legacy, to turn the pages of

the story I have told…

The daily post prompt:  Open

6 Comments Add yours

  1. didn’t want to read this now-I save your blog for just before bed-my bedtime story. Just couldn’t wait-so beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Maybe I’ll just get into the habit of posting late. 😉


  2. katkarradz says:

    Thank you very much for following and for your lovely comment (which I seem to have somehow accidentally deleted). Following you also.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Fantasy Raconteur says:

    Oh, this is so beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Fantasy Raconteur says:

        My pleasure!=)


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